DON’T CRY FOR MUNDANE THINGS; CRY FOR GOD – Sathya Sai Speaks You must develop such faith, courage and conviction and should not cry over others words. Crying comes quite natural to ladies. It is something like the washer- less taps from which the water drips continuously. It is not good. One must control it. Why should one shed tears? Spiritually, they have a meaning. ‘Nara’ means water. ‘Nayanamu’ means eyes. Water, naara, coming from eyes, nayanamu, becomes ‘Narayanamu’, the Lord. So one should shed tears only for the Lord and for none. They are the tears of joy and not tears of grief. One should not cry for anything. Difficulties and hardships come, but they are like passing clouds. There are no permanent clouds in this world. All have to move on. Once this truth is known, one need not worry any longer. Therefore, one should have firm devotion and conviction. One should develop steady and unwavering mind and looks and should never change one’s outlook. One should never make one’s heart unsacred but make it rooted and steady. – Divine Discourse, July 19, 1997 #sathyasai #saibhakta

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